? ??????????????Black and White Dj? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (23 Ratings)??4475 Grabs Today. 24407 Total Gr
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

miss doyono...

nie ak buat smlam.....(touch-up je la.) ak dh trace lame dh...sem lepas ag....mase2 cuti....tp lupe nak touch up...hohohoh..bising dah tuan empunye gambo nie......mane x nye die tggu2 x siap ag......hhehhe...pastu die tgk plak picture kwn die ak post yg dh siap.... lg bising...hahahhahaha....pe2 hal kiter cool.......

p/s : yunie jgn mare...sabo2.......kesabaran adalah hak milik setiap insan,....heheh


•Sala Mansor• said...

wuyyooo budak kemikal engine.

Dean Nakatsu said...

hehehee..jgn main2 ngan budak nie...hahaha